Safety Driving Services
Safe Driving Tips
Safe driving is a state of mind. Be alert for the unexpected and ready to take evasive action.
Commonly misunderstood road rules:
- Giving way at intersections
- Giving way at roundabouts
- Giving way to emergency vehicles
- Merging lanes
- Passing or overtaking trams
- Performing a hook turn
- Performing a U-turn
Knowing what is happening around you
Looking regularly in the rear and side mirror lets you know what is happening behind and beside your vehicle. This is very important, especially for overtaking and changing lanes.
Rear and side mirrors
Before driving, adjust your driver’s seat and mirrors.
The side mirrors should be adjusted so that they just catch a view of the edge of your car. As a guide, you should be able to just see the rear door handle in the bottom corner of the side mirrors.
When adjusted correctly there will be an overlap between the view from your rear and side mirrors. (See image below).
However, regardless of how well you set up your mirrors, there will be blind spots and you must remember to do a head check.

Head check
Side and rear mirrors don’t show everything around you. There are always blind spots, so it’s important that you always do a head check. This simple action could help you avoid a crash and save a life.
To carry out a head check you need to turn from your waist and quickly look over your shoulder to the left or right.
Head checks are also important when you’re getting in and out of your car, especially when opening your car door.
Use Head Check when:
- Changing lanes
- Pulling out from the kerb
- Turning
- Temporarily entering a bicycle or bus lane.
Take care in car parks and near trams and buses
Pedestrians, especially children and people using mobility scooters, can be difficult to see in your mirrors when you are reversing in a car park.
You need to do a head check to look over your left and right shoulders. If you have a passenger, ask them to look too.
Other road users can act unpredictably so be prepared to take evasive action if necessary.
Following distance
Judging distance and speed can deteriorate with age and older people may take longer to react. So always keep a safe distance from the car in front.
Under normal conditions, on most roads and highways, you should try to have a two second gap between your car and the car in front where possible.
The way to work this out is to pick a solid object beside the road, and count two second from the time the car in front passes it. If you’ve reached the object within two seconds you’re too close.
The two second gap should be extended to four seconds in the following situations:
At night or in poor light
Bad weather conditions such as rain or fog
When you are tired
When your vehicle is heavy and can’t stop as quickly
When you are towing
When you are unsure of the road.
Waiting to turn
If you’re waiting to turn into a driveway, side street, or at an intersection have your wheels pointing straight ahead. This way if your car is hit from behind you will go straight ahead.
If you have your wheels turned, you’re likely to go in that direction, possibly into the path of an oncoming vehicle.
Speed-limited areas
Always obey speed limits and remember to be aware of school speed zones. The speed limit is the maximum speed you can drive. Depending on the traffic, weather and your familiarity with the road, you may need to drive at a slower speed that is safe for the conditions. Always keep left unless you're overtaking.
Daytime running lights
Research shows that using headlights on low beam during the daytime reduces the risk of a crash because you can be seen more readily by others. Many newer cars have daytime running lights that automatically switch on when the car is started. Remember that low beam headlights must also be used in hazardous weather conditions that cause reduced visibility.
Driving at night
Avoid driving at dusk or at night. Nigh time driving can be dangerous on roads which have no street lighting. If it’s necessary to drive at night, try not to drive at those times when you would normally be asleep. Keep the journey as short as possible and travel on familiar roads.
Long distance travel
Plan long distance travel it well in advance and where possible share the driving responsibilities. Rest well before you leave and plan for frequent rest periods, at least every two hours.
If you are not feeling your best or if you are an older driver
You should avoid driving if you’re tired, upset or not feeling well. If you must drive make sure you:
- plan to drive when there is less traffic
- avoid driving in wet or poor light
- be alert and avoid distractions (passengers, mobile phones, GPS and music players)
- set devices like heaters and radio before you start driving
- be aware of other drivers, especially on busy roads and intersections
- always stay a safe distance from the car in front.
Reaction times and peripheral vision can decrease with age. We recommend older drivers take the followings steps when driving.
- Plan to drive down roads with less traffic
- Plan your trips to use intersections with traffic lights
- Choose a route where you can do left turns instead of right turns
- Always look left and right at intersections, even intersections without traffic lights.